

  1. Every church knows the nine elements of a healthy church (see below) as defined by Resound Network and has assessed their current state in light of them. 
  2. Every church has re-established meaningful membership on the foundation of the Gospel and Scripture. This involves a biblical definition of a disciple and a pathway to maturity.
  3. Every church has conducted a community assessment and discovered how their church can make a gospel impact through an unmet need or opportunity they are uniquely designed to meet.
  4. At least half of our churches are actively engaged in a local or regional church plant.
  5. At least half of our churches are involved in cross-cultural church planting.

The Healthy Church Target is composed of three categories, each category with three elements:

I. Identities (Matthew 22:34-40; John 13:34-35; gathered, scattered, sent)

  1. Worshippers - Love God (1 Peter 2:9)
  2. Family - Love one another (1 Peter 2:10)
  3. Missionaries - Love neighbor (1 Peter 2:11-13)

These identities are not meant to be characterized by programs but rather how we live as image bearers of God. How we live declares to the world who we are and what we truly believe; our lives reflect the image of the God we serve.

  • What are the activities we engage in as churches, gathered and scattered, to promote greater depth of biblical worship?
  • What are the activities we engage in as churches, gathered and scattered, to develop/mature as a biblical, redeemed family, activities that reveal our interdependence and mutual support?
  • What are the activities we engage in as churches, gathered and scattered, to develop as missionaries?

II. Foundations (from this source we develop out our identities) 

  1. Gospel - saves & sanctifies (By grace are you saved through faith, Eph 2:8)
  2. Scripture - guides (2 Tim 3:16-17)
  3. Prayer - empowers (Acts 1).

We can do all the right things, come up with creative, innovative plans but it won’t help if we are not communing with God. Our work is a spiritual work.

  • How does our church display the gospel as well as communicate it?
  • How do we encourage correction, rebuke, teaching, and training?
  • How do we encourage and facilitate the development of corporate and personal prayer?

III. Structures (fuel our efforts. by designing and implementing these structures in our churches we find God bringing health and wholeness to our local churches.)

  1. Leadership - God gives us hope through raising up godly leadership. 
  2. Membership - God gives us hope through belonging.
  3. Discipleship - God gives us hope by conforming us into the image of Christ.
  • What does it mean to be a member of our church? What are the benefits and responsibilities? How does one become a member? How do people learn these things?
  • What are the marks of a disciple in your church? What is your church’s process for developing these marks? Does your church have a clear disciple making process/pathway? How does a person self-assess to see where they are on the path and what guidance is provided in helping them take their next step?
  • How are prospective leaders identified? How might those that aspire to lead take personal initiative in the process?